Like seriously ok..
I don't think there's anyone in this world who doesn't like free things..
Its everyone's favourite right?!
I know mine is..
I was thinking of getting a magazine the other day 'cos its been ages since i last bought 1. So i was walking around in the paper shop, looking for a magazine to buy and i saw this!
I had always love buying Glamour even when i was in Msia.
I stopped buying it though 'cos it was too expensive.
RM20+ for a mag and such a small mag as well.
Here its only selling for 2pd!
And the best thing always comes with free gift!
I got chocolate, bags, flip flops and some other stuff which i forgot for just 2pd..
What a steal huh?!
Anyway, the reason i bought this was because they gave out nail polish this time.
I just thought that it was some cheap nail polish, maybe like those we can get in Msia for RM1 or 2 and didn't give much thought to it.
I chose the colour that i wanted (there's 4 colours to choose from) and went back happily.
Then i tried on the colour back in my room to see nice or
And to my surprise it glides so smoothly.
I thought "not bad ar" and felt like getting some other colour.
So i checked the website stated on the box..

first reaction......................
Its not cheap ok! In fact, its FAR from cheap!
Its exactly the same colour!!
Yup, the colour is piccadilly circus..=="
10.50pound for a nail polish?!
Thats almost RM60 and i can get OPI in Msia di..
And i was naive enough to think of getting another 1..
Maybe i should just get another Glamour just to save money..
"ehh..why did i just think of it now??"
The things that they gave out in the past are actually kinda good..
The chocolate is Green & Black's Organic.
Bag is Dorothy Perkins though its just a beach bag but still...
Flip flops is Moda in Pelle which i just checked and its apparently its a high fashion brand as well..(i think its not from glamour but some other mag..i forget what mag though)..
This taught me not to look down on the free stuffs given out by magazines again!
So let me say it again, I LOVE FREE GIFTS!!
~gimme gimme more,gimme gimme more~