Looking at my bank account shrinking when i didn't even step out of my room is definitely not fun at all!
With just a few clicks and voila! your money's gone..

Its not easing people's lives. Its definitely harming them.
The biggest culprit of all is EBAY!

I got these polaroid films from a Japan seller.
Its not really cheap because of the postage fee. The postage is kinda expensive.
Its almost the same price as in Msia but at least it has designs on it.
Unlike those plain-white-boring-ones we had.

This is definitely a steal!
Its so damn cheap!!!!
The keyboard protector that i got in Msia cost around rm60/70 (i forgot) and its not the same as this.
I got this for only £3.87 which is like, rm20+!

The best thing is its free delivery! from HK!
The next item is 1 that i contemplated before buying it.
1. I just got a new 1 early this year
2. What if i kena conned?
3. I will definitely kena from my mum
4. Smth else but i kinda forgot
But in the end, i only need 1 simple reason to buy it.

Yes, Ms Wendy got a new phone again.
But, but....you can't deny that its nice right?
Its Motorola V8 luxury edition.
I saw it when it was out early this year and i thought of getting it after i got back from summer holiday.
Mana tau, when i got back, they are not selling it anymore.
Searched in Carphone Warehouse, Phones4u, etc etc but nothing.
I thought of giving it up u know, until 1 fateful day, Ms Wendy decided to just search for it in ebay and the next thing you know...................................

But i love it.
So i treat it as my x'mas pressie this year! (yea yea,whatever excuse for my impulsive shopping)
Ohya, I got a beanie hat from Topshop online 'cos im too lazy to go out.
Turns out its a Limited Edition Kate Moss Christmas Range so i doubt they have it in the stores.
Thats not all, I browse through NewLook's site last night and after a few clicks,its on its way to me now. T____T
I just can't help it!
They have really cheap and nice stuff from the sale category.
Tops from £20 to only £8!
Dresses from £35 to £15!
How to resist? How?
I don't know if it will fit but the return policy is real easy.
I just have to return it to any of the stores and will be refunded in full.
So, no harm done, right?
The worst thing is i'm going to Glasgow next week.
And Boxing Day is coming up.
And I'll be in London to shop.
And I, I, plan to buy IT.
This time sure mati kao kao!

p/s: Rev, i am NOT spoilt ok! i know what u will say after reading this so i assure u first.