The clock moved forward 1hour last saturday meaning the british summer time started already.
Which means that the day will now be longer than the night!
The sky will still be bright even at 9pm and gets shining again at 3/4am. Me likey!
I prefer to have it this way than the other way round.
Turning dark at 5pm is not fun at all.
After coming here, i need all the sunlight as much as i can get.
And also my company is doing so well now.
We're finally leading in the market share. WOOHOO~~~
I think i never told you guys about this subject that i took before.
It is a business simulation game.
We're given capitals to start-up a computer company.
There are 20cities where we can choose from to have our sales offices and factory.
Then we have to manufacture the computer, hire people, do the marketing and so on.
Its just like the real business world where the tariff and exchange rate will affect your business.
There are also competitors around which is other teams from our course.
Its fun because its different from the usual subjects where we attend lectures and all.
But then we have to write 2reports for it. *sigh*
OHYA! AND EASTER BREAK is just round the corner!
I will be off to italy next monday!!