Well, here I am again..Woke up at 9am today and was preparing for my 10am class. Mana tau, at 9.30am my phone rang.

It was my mum and though I told her that I have to go to class now, we still continue as we didn't talk on the phone for more than a week now. So, after I ended my call, guess what?? Its almost 10am already..
Thinking that I am already late for my class, I decided not to go. Late for half-an-hour on the first class (yes, it takes me around 20minutes to reach my uni) does not give a good impression. Though I'm not saying that skipping it is. hehe.. Will just attend my afternoon classes then. I guess I can never change my way. Skipping classes is in my nature. hahaha....

Since I have so much time left, I decide to search for air tickets to Munich online (not to blog). Yup, am going there to meet my dad and bro as they will be there for some exhibition thingy (business trip). What a good excuse to go travelling. haha...And not to mention that they will be there on my birthday so it means that I can go tipu some pressies (my main purpose).
Better start to list down what I want. 

~lalala..what i want for birthday....~
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