Consider this as one of my self-pampering day for staying at home for sooo many days.
I had this habit where I'll feel sleepy if I'm too full. Bad bad habit I must say.
It will only add unnecessary fat to some "part" of my body.
I know some of you must be thinking.
"This is the problem with skinny girls. They always say that they are fat when they are not. Are they trying to mock us?"
The answer is "NO". I may look thin but I am fat somewhere where its not obvious to the naked eyes. All my friends know what I'm saying. Its a weird thing that runs in my family I guess. Haha..
The hot topic of the day was, of course, the earthquake. Everyone was talking about it.
Like seriously, earthquake in the UK?? How rare is that?? And how "lucky" we are?? *sweat*
It happened in the midnight. At first, I thought I was hallucinating for being too tired. But when it shook harder, I realised it was earthquake.
Eve asked whether I went out of the house or not. I said no because by the time I started to panic, it stopped. Reacting a little too slow I must say. Haha..

Then she told me that her friend's MSN nick diplayed "Ada orang gemuk berlompat-lompat di UK". Nice one. Hehe..
Alright, gotta get my assignment done now. Its due tomorrow.
Gotta burn the midnight oil again. Can only blame myself for procrastinating. Yet again.
Update soon. I hope.

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