Yay!! Finally, updates on my easter trip. I'll just blog about Budapest first and continue the others some other time. If not, this will be a SUPER long post.
I was in Nottingham the day before we’re off to Budapest. It was to avoid me almost missing my flight again. Bad memoryI must say. 
Long story short, i stayed the night at their (read: Alicia and YaoYing) place. Its been so long since me and YY were sleeping in the same room. That sounded so wrong. haha.. Well, we used to be roommate back in Semenyih so that explain everything. How nostalgic.
The next day we went to have lunch at some chinese restaurant. Then off to the airport which took about 1 hour bus ride. After checking in and everything, we wandered around the duty free stores where I bumped into Xu Yi (a friend from UNiM who's also in Nottingham now). What a coincidence. She was flying to Amsterdam. I think. I dont quite remember where.
Long story short, i stayed the night at their (read: Alicia and YaoYing) place. Its been so long since me and YY were sleeping in the same room. That sounded so wrong. haha.. Well, we used to be roommate back in Semenyih so that explain everything. How nostalgic.
The next day we went to have lunch at some chinese restaurant. Then off to the airport which took about 1 hour bus ride. After checking in and everything, we wandered around the duty free stores where I bumped into Xu Yi (a friend from UNiM who's also in Nottingham now). What a coincidence. She was flying to Amsterdam. I think. I dont quite remember where.
It was because her flight got delayed that we managed to bump into each other. After much talking and walking around, we board the plane. We almost missed it as both of us forgets that we had to board the plane half-an-hour before. T____T
Talk about blur. 
By the time we reach Budapest, its already 7smth. We then look for minibus service that will take us to our hostel. The airport is so nice unlike the typical airport that we see everywhere.
By the time we reach Budapest, its already 7smth. We then look for minibus service that will take us to our hostel. The airport is so nice unlike the typical airport that we see everywhere.
Both of us were busy looking at the map figuring out where our hostel is when out of nowhere a guy came up to us and offered to help. Kind right??
He told us that he’s living there and can help us out. So we showed him the address and he then showed us where it was. Miss Alicia was completely mesmerized by that guy because she can’t stop talking about him for the whole trip. (note: Told you to get his no. tapi tak mau
Once we checked in and left our luggage in the room, we went food hunting. There was a restaurant that was recommended by the receptionist but by the time we were there, it was closed. So we ended up eating at a restaurant next to our hostel. From the outlook, it looks expensive but the price was actually kinda reasonable.
Desserts. The cake was so damn delicious ok. One of the best that I had.
Speaking of which, the one i had in Nottingham the day before was really good too.
Desserts. The cake was so damn delicious ok. One of the best that I had.
You’ll notice that the word dessert will be making quite a lot of appearance in my post for the trip. We just can’t stop ourselves from savouring those delicious-looking-nevertheless-tasty-desserts. Talk about diet. Plan is so totally down the drain.
We then went back to the hostel and called it a night. We were so tired BUT we will never guess what’s in store for us the next day. *sweat*
We woke up kinda early the next day as we only have 1 day to look around.
National Museum
Market Hall
The one on the left is a hotel with bath in it. We have to pay to go in the bath. Too bad.
Then came the unexpected event of the day. We were going to this place called Gellert Hill and we had to hike up to the top which was so fucking high ok. Yeah,I know. The name already said that it’s a HILL. BUT it never says anything of it being so HIGH up. The me, who “love” hiking so much, was “ecstatic”.
So both of us hike up the hill “happily” singing “what a wonderful world”. wtf.. Halfway through, we were huffing and puffing already. We said that others must be thinking “Weird girls. Getting so tired with only this.” I’m serious ok. There was this old couple who looked much more energetic than us. Not to mention, less tired. Wtf?! 
Halfway up
The view up there is nice though
The way down the hill was not much better than the way up. Damn. Why the hell the sights had to be so scattered??
Just to show you guys how far is it from one place to another
Our next destination from Gellert Hill =.="
Royal Castle
Smth to temporarily fill our empty stomach
Fishermen's Bastion
I HEART the parliament. It was so nice.
Chain Bridge
St. Stephen's Basilica
We had dinner at McDonald’s. Can’t help it ok. The McD’s interior was so nice wehh.. I managed to only capture 1 picture because people around were giving me those weird look again. Seriously, its so hard being a tourist. *sigh*
We then walked all the way back to the hostel. By the time we reached our room, we were half-dead already. How to survive 6 more days?? Who would had thought the first day had already drained most of our energy. We planned to go back to the restaurant before to have the delicious dessert again but then I fell asleep. So plan remains as plan.
We then did more sightseeing the next morning before going off to Prague. This time by the metro. Yeah, call us spoilt but our legs were tired from the day before.
Heroes' Square
Art Gallery
I just realised that we forgot to take pictures of the train station. Anyway, before we went off, we managed to send postcards at the post office. Remember the postcards i showed before? Alicia suggested that we will send postcard to each other at every places that we visited. Then we can received it when we're back and read what we wrote for each other. I like the idea. I'll definitely do it everytime i travel from now on.
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