I think there is a genius gene in me after all.
Contrary to what people always see, i am smart.
Just a tiny bit lazy. lol!
Okay, here's the story.
Jme called me this afternoon and told me her laptop can't start-up.
She went to the IT department and they can't do anything about it.
Her friends tried to help but still the same result.
So she looked for me and see if i can help to fix it.
At first we thought it was a virus attack but found out its her windows that crashed. (Glad that im using Mac now! *phew*)
So we tried various ways but still nothing.
She wanted to recover it back to previous state instead of reformatting it.
Reformat will be our last resort.
Then after a few hours of trying, we did it!!!
Managed to restore it back with all the files intact!
OMG! I am a genius!! *shy*
I seriously am, ok.
What?! Did you just doubt what i said?
I really did fixed her laptop.
I did!
By myself!
Maybe with a little help.
Just a tiny bit.
Maybe more than tiny.
More than more than tiny?
Okok. Fine.
I searched for it in Google and found a solution to it.
Happy now?
But at least im smart enough to look into Google for it!
Felt like i'd achieved something like mission impossible. *exaggeration to the max* -_-
Long live Google! lol!
Anyhoo, i cooked lotus root soup yesterday.
And it was DELICIOUS!
Taste just like my mum's.
I am seriously good in cooking! *bangga*