And not to forget, may you guys get lots and lots of ANG PAO and WIN alot!! I'm good, aren't I?? Wishing all of you this when in fact I'm feeling so freaking BORED here. Here langsung tak ada CNY feel at all. No CNY decos. No CNY songs (I can't believe that I actually miss it).
While you guys were planning your outings, I'm stuck here attending classes. Whatta CNY!!! I wanted to balik kampung (angpaos!) and visiting friends' house (angpaos!) too. Not to mention that I missed out all the good food. My grandma's CNY cookies are the BEST!! Then there's the gambling too. Aawww...

Called my family yesterday after my class ended and guess what?? They are having steamboat then. Ishhh. My sis said that she'll take some photos and send it to me. Whatta sis.

Well, at least I have some decorations in my room. haha..My friends actually send me CNY card and decos. Ohya, and ANGPAOs with ONLY their wishes in. Where's the CASH, my dear?? Only you guys can think of excuses like "worry that the cash will be confiscated by KASTAM" and "getting caught for smuggling RM to overseas".

As for now, let me drown myself in misery while you guys are having fun there.......
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