I don't think i'll be writing travelogue because i, seriously, suck at it.
Still remember my pathetic attempts from last year?
I only wrote 2 entries for my easter trip '08 and didn't even started on my Krakow's one even though i promised. *sigh*
Oh, and also my summer trip. *shifty eyes*
And its already Easter '09 now. *guilty to the max*
Anyway, lets start already.
This will be a very long rambling post with nothing but words.
Oh, and some emoticons. -_-
This will be a very long rambling post with nothing but words.
Oh, and some emoticons. -_-
My first stop is at Pisa. So we flew in Pisa, took the bus to the city, searched for our hotel, blablabla...
When we saw the outside of our hotel, we were worried 'cos it doesn't look good.
Like some cheapo hotel (though it really is) but i expect more because ITS A HOTEL.
But as the saying goes 'never judge a book by its cover', the interior of the hotel was much better. Its pretty good actually so we were relieved.
Then the horror came. We wanted to check in and the receptionist checked for our booking and
He checked and checked then i suddenly remember the scene from my summer trip last year.
We booked the hostel at Madrid and when we were there, the lady told us she didn't received our booking. We were like, how can that be?! and showed her the booking confirmation letter and all. Then we found out that it was because the hostelworld's system was down and she didn't received it.
Luckily, they have an empty room that night and let us in as well as for the second night.
Ohh, i forgot to mention that we had a hard time communicating because the lady speaks 0 english and we, 0 spanish! But we finally managed to understand each other after a loooooooongg time with the help of pointing, drawing, whatsoever, and also a guest who helped us to translate. *phew*
Back to the story, i thought the same thing happen again this time. Just when i wanted to blame it on hostelworld, the receptionist found our booking.
The thing now is, instead of booking the 6th, we booked the day after which is 7th.
*thunder + lightning + rain*
(This was exactly our expressions)
Just when we were getting frantic over it, the receptionist help us to check if they have any room available for that day. So we were standing there all worried and thinking of plan b/c/d if they were full that day.
I think the lucky god/goddess was with us that day because they managed to make a room for us. It was suppose to be a room for 3 but they put in another bed for us. *phew*
The room was really nice but i don't have a picture to show now.
We started exploring Pisa.
It was a very very small city. Nothing much except for the leaning tower.
The next day, we were off to Florence by train. Florence was so much bigger than Pisa.
And much more tourists as well. Looks like the earthquake didn't affect its tourism after all.
We left to Venice the next day via train.
Okay, here was the start of bad luckS. (note the capital S)
So we reached Venice and the weather was really good.
Sunny and warm.
I was excited to be back again. :)
We looked for our hostel and our jaws dropped when we saw the room. The room SUCKS!
It was the most expensive one out of our trip and it was the worst room. It looks like a store room where you simply chucked in 4 beds. It was also very dark as the light was very dim.
Since we were only staying for a night, i thought, okay, lets just tolerate it.
We went out exploring Venice. I don't know why but i didn't feel that it was as nice as before.
Maybe it was because the place was flooded with tourists.
You have people EVERYWHERE and the waterbus was always full. =="
I like how me and Eve stumbled into random squares with no people where we can fool around.
I like walking on the streets without bumping into people all the time.
Most importantly, i love our room then!
Anyway, this time, i felt the buildings somewhat looks older now.
But i didn't forget to revisit the restaurant! Ae Oche!!
The food were still as good!!
I recommend this restaurant to anyone who will be visiting Venice.
Got back to the room at night and when Jme's dad wanted to take a shower, we found out that the heater wasn't working. So we have to use another share bathroom which was further away from our room. Dissatisfied with it as we booked our rooms with private bathroom but now we gotta share with others. We talked to the guy about the room rates and wanted him to reduce the rate to shared bathroom one.
But damn, he was damn arrogant. He told us 'ITS NONE OF HIS BUSINESS'
He was in charged of the place. How can it be not his business??
He said he already asked someone to fix the heater but it can't be fixed so he already did what he can. Its not his business anymore. If he did nothing, then he will refund our money but he did, so he will not do anything.
And he was looking at his computer screen the whole time he was talking to us. How rude was that?!
Damn, this hostel seriously SUCKED!!
Since we can't do anything and we dare not argue any further because we're at a foreign place, we have to endure it. So the next morning, we have to catch the 5+am's coach to the airport because our flight is at 8am.
Got to the airport before 7am, checked in then wait for boarding.
Everything was going well or so we thought.
Around 7.30am, the screen in front of our gate suddenly showed "CANCELLED".
An announcement then followed.
So everyone rushed to the counter where they refund our money and asked for alternative to Rome. All the flights were full and the only one that was available will be the next evening!! Which is impossible for us to get that because Jme's parents must fly back to Msia from Rome the next day. So they told us that the best way is to get there by train.
We rushed to the train station and tried to get a ticket. The ticket lady told us that the seats were full and the only ones left are standing tickets. So we paid 60+EURO PER PAX and stood all the way to Rome! Its a 4+hours of journey!! Throughout the journey, we have to sit on the floor and all. It felt like we were illegal immigrants when in actual fact, we paid so much for it!
But luckily, everything went well once we reached Rome.
Venice definitely didn't give me a good memory this time around. *sigh*
Anyway, im lazy to continue but basically, that was what happened to us throughout the trip.
I think the lucky god/goddess was with us that day because they managed to make a room for us. It was suppose to be a room for 3 but they put in another bed for us. *phew*
The room was really nice but i don't have a picture to show now.
We started exploring Pisa.
It was a very very small city. Nothing much except for the leaning tower.
The next day, we were off to Florence by train. Florence was so much bigger than Pisa.
And much more tourists as well. Looks like the earthquake didn't affect its tourism after all.
We left to Venice the next day via train.
Okay, here was the start of bad luckS. (note the capital S)
So we reached Venice and the weather was really good.
Sunny and warm.
I was excited to be back again. :)
We looked for our hostel and our jaws dropped when we saw the room. The room SUCKS!
It was the most expensive one out of our trip and it was the worst room. It looks like a store room where you simply chucked in 4 beds. It was also very dark as the light was very dim.
Since we were only staying for a night, i thought, okay, lets just tolerate it.
We went out exploring Venice. I don't know why but i didn't feel that it was as nice as before.
Maybe it was because the place was flooded with tourists.
You have people EVERYWHERE and the waterbus was always full. =="
I like how me and Eve stumbled into random squares with no people where we can fool around.
I like walking on the streets without bumping into people all the time.
Most importantly, i love our room then!
Anyway, this time, i felt the buildings somewhat looks older now.
But i didn't forget to revisit the restaurant! Ae Oche!!
The food were still as good!!
I recommend this restaurant to anyone who will be visiting Venice.
Got back to the room at night and when Jme's dad wanted to take a shower, we found out that the heater wasn't working. So we have to use another share bathroom which was further away from our room. Dissatisfied with it as we booked our rooms with private bathroom but now we gotta share with others. We talked to the guy about the room rates and wanted him to reduce the rate to shared bathroom one.
But damn, he was damn arrogant. He told us 'ITS NONE OF HIS BUSINESS'
He was in charged of the place. How can it be not his business??
He said he already asked someone to fix the heater but it can't be fixed so he already did what he can. Its not his business anymore. If he did nothing, then he will refund our money but he did, so he will not do anything.
And he was looking at his computer screen the whole time he was talking to us. How rude was that?!
Damn, this hostel seriously SUCKED!!
Since we can't do anything and we dare not argue any further because we're at a foreign place, we have to endure it. So the next morning, we have to catch the 5+am's coach to the airport because our flight is at 8am.
Got to the airport before 7am, checked in then wait for boarding.
Everything was going well or so we thought.
Around 7.30am, the screen in front of our gate suddenly showed "CANCELLED".
An announcement then followed.
So everyone rushed to the counter where they refund our money and asked for alternative to Rome. All the flights were full and the only one that was available will be the next evening!! Which is impossible for us to get that because Jme's parents must fly back to Msia from Rome the next day. So they told us that the best way is to get there by train.
We rushed to the train station and tried to get a ticket. The ticket lady told us that the seats were full and the only ones left are standing tickets. So we paid 60+EURO PER PAX and stood all the way to Rome! Its a 4+hours of journey!! Throughout the journey, we have to sit on the floor and all. It felt like we were illegal immigrants when in actual fact, we paid so much for it!
But luckily, everything went well once we reached Rome.
Venice definitely didn't give me a good memory this time around. *sigh*
Anyway, im lazy to continue but basically, that was what happened to us throughout the trip.
I love this post...anyway you did enjoy the whole trip right
thanks..i thought nobody wanna read my rambling..haha..
yea, i did despite all that so it wasnt that bad..:)
so sad wan...60Euro for 4 or per pax? u should have gone back to the old uncle hostel....NICEST HOSTEL EVER@
i cant because it requires min 2nights and we were only staying for a night..i sure go back there if i can..haiiii...
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