Its my second CNY here in the UK.
Its pretty much the same as last year.
Same as in, BOoooOOORrrrrRRING!!!!
Like, who the heck attend classes on CNY right?? *sigh*
I had steamboat with Jme last night for our "reunion" dinner.
2 boring people stuck together in Norwich.
That sounded so sad man. :(
Anway, back to happy topic.
Its 10 more mins to my birthday!!
MY "21st" BIRTHDAY!! ;p
I just got back from dinner with my coursemates where they cooked thai food for me.
I am so full right now that i have difficulty in breathing. =="
But the food was good especially the Tomyam Kung!! *slurrrppp*
Thanks guys!!
Then i'll be having another dinner tomorrow with my flatmates and Jme.
It'll be chinese food this time. lol!
I am so glad that i have people to celebrate my birthday with instead of being alone like last year.
Oh yea, i can finally post up the pressies from my besties!
Its a set of pyjamas and a cardigan instead of food.

Thanks guys!!
I. Heart. U. All.
I'm gonna wear the pyjama top today since its CNY.
The bottom and cardigan sudah pakai long time ago. HAHA.
I hope my luck will be better this year.
I wonder if you guys still remember my series of unfortunate event last year.
It should be good this time since its new year and all.
New Year + Birthday = BEST OF LUCK!!!! *standing ovation*
Ok. Lame. I know. T________T
Oh boy, look at the time.
Its my birthday already.
*birthday song playing in the head. wtf.*
May all my wishes come true!!