Friday, 9 January 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Ok, i'd never written down any new year's resolutions 'cos i know i can never keep them.
But im going to do it this time so that i can check whether i manage to keep it or not next year.


this was like on top of my list every damn year and the fact that its still here just goes to prove that i never keep it. *sigh* why am i like that? -_-

2. Work harder! in every area especially on studies! 'nuff said.

3. Stop being lazy.
do some exercise (tummy, tummy, go away!).
keep my clinique 3-steps regime everyday.
apply the damn lotion every night! (my skin is so damn dry right now)

planning to explore other parts of europe after my course and if im lucky, i can get a new bag! ;)

5. Spend at most £150/mth
this is the continuation of no.4. i have to cut down on all those excessive shopping.
but like rev said there's always the INTERNET! *sigh*
control, wendy. control.
(i actually failed this already but hey,i just make this list today so the few days before this are not calculated. siul)

6. Explore more of UK
its my final year here. the possibility of coming back here is very low.
it wont be the same coming here as tourist and as a student.

I guess thats all the important ones.
I really, REALLY hope that i can keep this.
*fingers crossed*

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