I got myself a new pair of boots from topshop for a really cheap price.
I just broke my resolutions no.5. T_____T
But i think its forgivable because its CNY next week.
We are suppose to get new clothes for the new year so this is consider my cny shopping.
Since my mum expects me to shop, i cant disappoint her, can i??
And i cut my hair already!
Its not really short, just slightly longer than shoulder length.
I tried taking pictures to show but i look really bad in pictures nowadays.
I'll post some up when i have some good photos.
On a total unrelated note to the above, i found this.

This is so freaking nice, isnt it?!
I mean, the monogram one is nice but this, THIS is so much nicer!
It looks different.
I cant explain well.
I wonder when UK will have it 'cos i went to the boutique last month and the SA told me they dont have it yet but some asian countries have though. wtf?!
But that was last month, i found this few days ago and im in love!

Mulberry Bayswater.
Its nice, right?!
A practical and wont go out-of-style bag.
Worth investing.
So, resolutions no.4 must be kept at all cost!!!
Wendy oh wendy, one of ur new year resolutions is to spend max £150 every month n now u are posting pics of bags, i mean luxurious items that u wana buy? *coughing non-stop*
eh, mulberry is nice
sarah: dat resolution is so dat i can save enough money to travel..so if i hav extra,i can get this..hehe
eve: nice rite..im so going to get it..haha
I've been lusting over mulberry's bayswater since foreverrrrr! especially the tan one! omg so nice can die dot com dot my <3 <3
are you getting one sooon? *envious
i know!! i dunno how i manage to miss this man all this while..=="
well,i plan to get it and i hope i can get it soon..all i need now is financial planning..hahaha
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