Saturday 4 April 2009

Holiday starts NOW!!

Just got back from my final lecture of the term as well as in UEA.
No more classes to attend or, in my case, *cough*skip*cough*.
Gonna start traveling on Sunday. =D

Today's lecture handed out the awards for the business game that i told you guys before.
The game finally ended yesterday. *phew*
So we had a little award ceremony where certificates were given out to the winners.
There are 2 types of awards - the top awards and fun awards.
Fun awards are random awards.
We have 'The bunny energiser award' - for teams that played for the longest time.
Or 'scrooge mcduck award'.

And some other more.

Then there were the top awards.

This is the proof. Just so you won't say that i lied. hahaha

FYI, my company's name is sigma.
We even beat the record of last year's winner. celebrate
But the reason my team can win is all owe to my team mates.
They did so much more than i did and it was because of some of them who were big risk-takers that we managed to win.
A big thanks to them!!!

The only downside is .................................................its only a game and we didn't have that money. *sigh*
They should award us with some cash for our hard works instead of just a certificate since they sucked our money so much already. -_-

Anyway, happy easter and happy holiday (to me!)!!!
Won't be updating for the coming week as i won't be around~~ :)

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